What happens to student loan debt after divorce in California?


In California, the treatment of student loan debt during a divorce is complex. Let’s delve into the specifics:



  • Typically, if a debt was incurred during the marriage, both spouses are responsible for paying it. In such cases, the court usually splits these debts 50-50 between the parties in a divorce. However, this general rule doesn’t fully apply to student loan debts.
  • California law recognizes that educational debt continues to benefit the individual even after divorce. Therefore, it would be unfair to burden the other spouse with paying for educational debt that they don’t directly benefit from. Courts consider three primary exceptions to the general rule (as per California Family Code section 2641):
    • Substantial Benefit: If the community (both spouses) substantially benefited from the education financed by the student loan during the marriage, the non-student spouse may share responsibility for the debt.
    • Offsetting Education: If both spouses received education or training funded by community contributions, the student loan debt may be divided more equitably.
    • Gainful Employment: If the education enables the receiving spouse to engage in gainful employment, reducing the need for support, the court considers this in assigning debt responsibility.

Discretion and Case-Specific Decisions:

  • There are no hard-and-fast rules regarding student loan debt division. Courts have discretion in evaluating the unique circumstances of each case. Ultimately, the court will weigh factors like benefit, contribution, and financial impact when determining how to allocate student loan debt in a divorce.


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